Councilmember Mike Donovan

Key Accomplishments 2016-2024


Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA)

Supported developing an update to our General Plan Housing Element in order to meet complex California rules and requirements for a state-mandated plan to accommodate an aggressive and disproportionate number of new residences in our community as dictated by state and regional agencies.

Historic Preservation

Member of Council subcommittee which proposed changes to the Coronado Historic Preservation Program and Ordinance to make the designation process more efficient and to better incentivize homeowners to seek historic designation. The Council unanimously approved subcommittee proposal, with the exception of one element. As a result of these changes, the City was able to clear a five-year backlog for 29 homeowners, who had been waiting for final Mills Act approval so they could benefit from the associated reductions in property tax.


Approved and implemented “E-Bike & B-Safe” program of education and enforcement for e-bike safety. Working with our CA Assembly Member Tasha Boerner on her bill to place guidelines on the use of e-bikes statewide.

Traffic Calming

Contributed to the development of a traffic calming addendum to be added to the Active Transportation Plan and gained Council approval to combine the Transportation Commission and Bicycle Advisory Committee for a more coordinated and integrated operation, with the goal of developing a comprehensive Traffic Calming Master Plan under the leadership of the Mobility Commission.

Naval Complexes Coordinating Group

Chair of this group with membership of senior Navy and City leadership, meeting monthly in a public meeting to maintain and improve Navy and City collaboration.


Advocated for city actions for reopening within San Diego County health directives; city established COVID testing and vaccination sites.


Cross-Border Sewage

Supported strategy for gaining financial support in pursuit of a lawsuit initiated by other entities against the federal government, along with lobbying key agencies as part of this coalition, leading to identification of infrastructure improvements and $300M+ funding that will greatly reduce sewage discharge into the Pacific Ocean. Additional funding has been provided by Mexico and the U.S. Federal Government; initial projects are underway.

Beach Sand Replenishment

Gained SANDAG approval to include Grand Caribe Isle and other Coronado beaches in current beach health study in progress.

San Diego Port Master Plan

Worked with Port to ensure resident-favorable direction with regard to the Ferry Landing, Golf Course, and Grand Caribe Isle. Member of the Grand Caribe Task Force, which was instrumental in getting the designation of North Grand Caribe Isle changed to “Recreation, Open Space,” precluding further commercial development.

Climate Action Plan

Supported and approved Coronado Climate Action plan and prioritized implementation plan, which is in the process of being carried out.

Sea Level Rise

Supported and approved Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation plan, along with an ongoing monitoring plan for possible future action items.


Coronado Municipal Golf Course

Member of Council subcommittee to select a food concessionaire for the golf course. Identified City/Community priorities and preferences and established quantifiable system to measure each candidate against the others based on professional credentials and experience.

Cays Park Master Plan

After comprehensive public participation, approved a park configuration for Cays Park to convert 25% of the programmed sports field area to passive park amenities. After City staff and park designer solicited extensive community comments and review, voted to approve final design concept, which will be implemented in stages.

Tennis and Pickleball Facilities

Reached compromise to convert two Cays tennis courts to eight pickleball courts and add one more tennis court in the Cays Park Master Plan.


Orange Avenue Business District Update

Supported effort to develop program for improvements to the Coronado business district in cooperation with Discover Coronado; Coronado Chamber of Commerce; and Coronado MainStreet.

Zero-Emission Public Transportation

Approved 6-month pilot program, to start in March 2024, for free/low-cost zero-emissions transportation in Coronado Village and Cays.

Local Business Support During COVID

Supported the zero-interest, City Lifeline Business Loan program and proposed extending the program and increasing the maximum loan amount for every participating business. Extended restaurant use of parking areas for outdoor dining, in keeping with state guidelines.


Ensured Fiscal Responsibility

Balanced budgets each year. Maintained reserves more than required and delivered all services, even through the difficult period during the COVID pandemic.

Community Grants

Member of Council subcommittee which developed a policy for the Community Grant Program. The policy included a process for determining overall grant budget; establishing eligibility requirements; creating a grant application form and weighted evaluation criteria; and instituting a process for independent review and scoring of applications. The Council unanimously approved subcommittee proposal.

Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

Member of Council subcommittee to prioritize proposed infrastructure, facilities, and transportation projects for final approval by City Council.

Development Impact Fees

Advocated for and gained Council approval to review and update development fees to ensure developers pay their fair share on infrastructure and city service costs tied to new development, a policy which had not been updated for more than 25 years.