Councilmember Mike Donovan

Voting Record and Actions


(NOTE: Not a complete list.)

Building Density / Zoning Impacts / Historic Preservation Traffic / Parking / Active Transportation Local Businesses / Tourism Budget and Finance Environmental Arts / Culture Parks and Recreation
Jul 2020 Voted FOR: Waiving parking requirements to allow outdoor use for brick-and-mortar businesses that, due to COVID-19 restrictions, could only operate outdoors, i.e., fitness centers. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Allowing use of Spreckels Park, Bradley Field, and sections of the beach for businesses that, due to COVID-19 restrictions, cannot operate indoors, i.e., fitness centers, from the hours of 7 am to noon only; for no more than 90-minute segments; and without sound amplification. Motion PASSED
Voted FOR: Approving distribution of $800K in Community Grants. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Approving letter to US Senator Feinstein supporting federal funds to fix cross-border sewage problem. Motion PASSED
Aug 2020 Voted FOR: Approving design and purchase of universal playground equipment for challenged children and authorized solicitation for construction at Pomona Park. Motion PASSED
Sep 2020 Voted FOR: Continuing current business practices according to SD County COVID-19 guidelines. Staff to follow up with restaurants to ensure proper sidewalk clearance for pedestrians is maintained. Motion PASSED
Oct 2020 Voted FOR: Approving 8 of 9 Mills Act requests for historic designation for 2019. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Extending by 6 months, for a total of one year, the start day for businesses to begin paying off City-sponsored COVID-19 Lifeline Business Loans. Motion PASSED
Nov 2020 Voted FOR: Authorizing the advertising for the rebuild of the Parker Pump station and addressed concerns of neighbors. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Authorizing construction contract for Pomona Park Universal Playground Renovation. Motion PASSED
Dec 2020 Voted FOR: Approving the establishment of a COVID-19 test location at Community Center. Motion PASSED
Jan 2021 Voted FOR: Supporting future actions to further strengthen local control as related to local zoning and housing. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Amending Coronado's Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) ordinance to clarify development proposals that include a new primary residence and an ADU, requiring development within the City's established regulations including Floor Area Ratio (FAR). Motion PASSED
Voted FOR: Approving $20K to Chamber of Commerce for and Virtual Food Court. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Providing up to an additional interest-free $3,000 to current City COVID-19 loan recipients. Motion FAILED
Voted FOR: Confirming use of Community Center for Sharp Coronado Hospital to administer COVID-19 vaccines. Motion PASSED
Feb 2021 Voted FOR: Approving Community Grant process for FY21-22. Justified funding labor-related costs and considered dispensing funds in June so organizations and have funds prior to new fiscal year. Motion PASSED
Mar 2021 Voted FOR: Approving Climate Action Plan draft. Primary metric to include reducing total emmisions by 40% compared to 2016 baseline, including per capita and per service populations (residents and jobs). Will obtain more information on Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) programs. Motion PASSED
Apr 2021 Voted FOR: Receiving and discussing Discover Coronado presentation on opportunities to enhance Orange Avenue business district. Direction given to identify what actions the City could take without permission from outside agencies and to obtain cost estimates. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Approving Underground Utility Conversion District for Adella Avenue and Ynez Place. Motion PASSED 4-1 Voted FOR: Three-year contract with Father Joe's St. Vincent de Paul Village, Inc. for access to two shelter beds, meals, and counseling for homeless referred by Coronado. Motion PASSED
May 2021 Voted FOR: Continuing Winn Room upgrade project; staff to perform needs assessment. Motion PASSED
Jun 2021 Voted FOR: Adopting FY21-22 Budget and Financial Plan. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Approving FY 21-22 Community Grants just under $1M. Motion PASSED
Voted FOR: Extending outdoor dining, due to COVID-19 restrictions to September 30, 2021. Approved full July 4th events; Promenade Concerts in the Park; Coronado Film Festival; and Holiday (Christmas) Parade and Open House. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Approving request to relook at possibility of allowing bicycles on the skate park and approved study to allow nonmotorized bicycles at the skate park. Motion PASSED
Jul 2021 Vote FOR: Approving contract for new City Manager Tina Friend; introduced Ms. Friend to the community. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Approving staff's study of regional tennis fees and to propose fees and usage strategy for the 19 Coronado public tennis courts. I suggested including pickleball in the analysis, which was added to the motion. Motion PASSED
Aug 2021 Voted FOR: Approving my Policy 2 request to evaluate council support for a park next to Il Fornaio rather than a restaurant as currently planned. Motion PASSED
Sep 2021 Voted FOR: Extending outdoor dining, previously approved due to COVID-19 restrictions, from September 30, 2021, to March 31, 2022. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Releasing draft Climate Action Plan for 60-day public comment period. Motion PASSED
Oct 2021 Voted FOR: Approving 8 Mills requestions for historic designation for 2020, with the year's revenue impact of less than $30K. Motion PASSED Information only: Parking Enforcement update. New system of removing parking meters and using license plate readers for enforcement is working well. Voted FOR: Approving my request to review development impact fees and in-lieu fees for affordable housing. Motion PASSED
Nov 2021 Public Hearing: Regarding the housing law passed by state legislation (SB 9), which goes into effect on January 1, 2022. This law mandates minimal local city control and allows up to 6 dwellings on single-family zoned properties.
Dec 2021 Voted FOR: Approving letter in opposition to the San Diego County Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations (MEHKO) program. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Opposing the proposed mobility hub in Coronado as part of SANDAG's Regional Transportation Plan. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Supporting repayment schedule for our Lifeline Business Loans to allow extension for those businesses still experiencing economic hardship as a result of COVID-19. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Updating approach to Cays Park project regarding two basic policy issues that need council direction; the size of dog park and the amount of programmed usage, the latter requiring an understanding of the current sports field usage and its current impact. Motion PASSED
Jan 2022 Voted FOR: Adding FY21-22 COVID-19 State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to the General Fund to supplement revenue loss. Motion PASSED
Feb 2022 Voted FOR: Approving letter of support for Coronado Bridge suicide deterrent project CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration Review. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Approving Policy 2 update for FY22-23 Community Grant program. Motion PASSED
Mar 2022 Voted FOR: Authorizing Free Summer Shuttle for summer 2022. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Approving Mobility Commission 2022 work plan and discussed priorities. Motion PASSED
Voted FOR: Approving Villa Capri hotel project revision to allot 19 of their required 22 parking spots to the nearby Coronado Beach Resort, using a 24-hour valet parking. MOTION Passed

Voted FOR: Extending temporary outdoor dining from March 31, 2022, to September 30, 2022. Staff to develop potential alternatives for a new outdoor dining policy to identify how current local rules and regulations would have to change with regard to Municipal Code, Local Coastal Program, and Orange Avenue Specific Plan. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Reviewing and prioritizing Discover Coronado recommendations to improve Orange Avenue business district. Approved 800 block and 100 block prioritization. Motion PASSED
Apr 2022 Voted FOR: Approving the Climate Action Plan. Directed staff to return with a cost benefit analysis and implementation plan, including what will be required to prepare a feasibility study for Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) electricity supply. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Providing $50K for increased enforcement at the Zuniga Jetty Shoals anchorage to help prevent vessels from breaking free of their anchorages and washing up on Coronado beaches. Motion PASSED
Voted FOR: Directing staff and contractor to submit Cays Park design proposals with 3 alternative plans: Programmed use to remain as is (100%) or to reduce to 75% or 50%. Motion PASSED 3-2
May 2022 Voted FOR: Approving purchase of 517-519 Orange Avenue for affordable housing. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Approving continuation of Discover Coronado. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Converting Cays tennis court #5 to pickleball courts and converting the basketball court to pickleball courts, identifying another place for the basketball court as part of the Cays Park redesign. Motion PASSED
Jun 2022 Voted FOR: Eliminating of library overdue fines. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Approving community grants. Motion PASSED
Voted FOR: Approving the Cultural Arts Commission annual report and FY22-23 work plan. Motion PASSED
Jul 2022 Voted FOR: Supporting equitably tennis, pickleball, and basketball at Coronado Cays. I made successful motion to keep existing full-court basketball; to convert tennis courts #1 and #5 to pickleball courts; and to resurface all courts in Coronado Village. Motion PASSED
Aug 2022 Voted FOR: Approving my Policy 2 request to reconsider the ground floor remodel of the La Avenida building at 1301 Orange Avenue. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Approving final Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan. Motion PASSED
Sep 2022 Voted FOR: Keeping the entrance arch as is at the La Avenida building, 1301 Orange Avenue, and approved landscaping plan. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Extending temporary outdoor dining through December 31, 2023, or one year after California ends the COVID-19 state of emergency. Motion PASSED
Oct 2022 Voted FOR: Approving 8 Mills Act requests for historic designation for 2021. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Approving new contract with Police Union. Motion PASSED
Nov 2022 Voted FOR: Approving 2-year contract update for the Free Commuter Ferry and directed staff to research having MTS take over the Flagship contract. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Pursuing impact fee study, looking at all potential fees, which had not been reviewed or altered in more than 25 years. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Awarding contract to resurface city tennis courts and to resurface/convert two tennis courts for pickleball. Motion PASSED
Dec 2022 Voted FOR: Sending a letter to the Port of San Diego opposing the plan to develop "Cottages at the Cays" on Grand Caribe Isle. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Approving electric bicycle safety considerations and to consider more options for future council action. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Approving Street Tree Master Plan update. Motion PASSED
Jan 2023 Voted AGAINST: Approving the appeal to overturn historic designation for the 1896 front home at 741-745 Orange Avenue, which had been recommended for historic designation by staff, by the city's independent research contractor, and by the Historic Resource Commission. Motion PASSED 3-2.
Feb 2023 Voted FOR: Approving revisions to Community Grant Policy #28 for FY22-23 to improve process. Motion PASSED
Mar 2023 Voted FOR: Approving valet parking program for La Avenida Inn Hotel; new La Avenida Inn restaurant; and Stake Restaurant's added serving space. Vehicles will be driven to and parked in the Bank of America building, which meets Orange Avenue Specific Plan, Local Coastal Plan, and Municipal Code. Motion PASSED
Apr 2023 Voted FOR: Received Mobility Commission annual report for 2022 and work plan for 2023. I elaborated on and advocated for developing a Traffic Calming Plan and volunteered to work on developing plan with the Mobility Commission. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Establishing Ad Hoc Council Subcommittee on Cross Border Water Pollution. Voted FOR: Identifying potential members. Both Motions PASSED 3-2 Voted FOR: Renewing Dog Beach use agreement with the Navy for 5 more years, the maximum renewal period allowed. Motion PASSED
May 2023 Information Only: E-Bike campaign update. Good safety results from last year. Voted FOR: Approving $14,200 to SANDAG as Coronado's share for beach sand replenishment feasibility study. I requested SANDAG to include the bayside beaches in the study, particularly Grand Caribe Island, a request which was accepted by SANDAG and incorporated into its feasibility study. Motion PASSED
Jun 2023 Voted FOR: Authorizing release of the draft Historic Context Statement and Citywide Survey for 60-day review and comment period. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Approving letter of support for CA Assembly Bill 46 to exempt military pensions from state taxes as an incentive to retain military retirees in California, which is the only state that does not provide any kind of income tax reduction for military pension income. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Approving $1M in Community Grants for FY23-24. Motion PASSED
Voted FOR: Approving Climate Action Plan (CAP) Implementation Plan. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Developing pilot program for a Zero Emission Public Transportation program. Motion PASSED
Jul 2023 Voted FOR: Approving submittal of scoping letter to the Navy for the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) regarding increasing time for 3 NASNI aircraft carriers to be in port at the same time from the current limit of 29 days per year to an average of 180 days per year. Also provided additional input to the Navy. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Releasing request for proposals (RFP) for the resurfacing of the Lawn Bowling Green and to remove 4 pine trees along D Avenue, which are damaging the green. Motion PASSED
Aug 2023 Voted AGAINST: Approving the appeal to overturn historic designation for 335 Alameda Boulevard, which had been recommended for historic designation by the city's independent research contractor and the Historic Resource Commission. Motion PASSED 3-2 Voted FOR: Reopening discussion about the Lawn Bowling Green replacement strategy and removing 4 pine trees along D Avenue, which are causing damage to the Bowling Green. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Approving Lawn Bowling Green replacement strategy, which includes removing 4 trees along D Avenue causing damage, as previously decided at July council meeting. Motion PASSED 4-1
Sep 2023 Voted FOR: Approving 6-month electric shuttle program for Village and Cays for March-August 2024 (Cays uses two electric mini-buses). Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Approving ordinance to incorporate expedited permitting for installation of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. Motion PASSED
Oct 2023 Voted FOR: Approving 5 of 6 Mills Act requests for historic designation applications for 2022; one house was continued due to owner's delayed application. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Approving Mills Act request for historic designation for one house which had been continued from previous council meeting. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Approving Draft Housing Element Update for submittal to CA Housing and Community Development agency. Motion PASSED
Voted FOR: Authorizing Green Energy Incentive Program to waive permit fees for rooftop solar, electric vehicle charging stations, home battery systems, and solar water heaters. Motion PASSED
Nov 2023 Voted FOR: Approving Historic Context Statement and Survey and including Tiers 1 and 2 for further evaluation to determine historic status when required. I motioned to have staff send individual letters to all property owners in all Tiers, explaining which tier they are in and requesting their input. Staff to report back on CEQA requirement for assessing homes more than 50 years old as opposed to more than 75 years old. Public to be noticed to provide comments on Tier 3 properties. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Approving declaration of emergency regarding the invasive algae Caulerpa Prolifera found in the Cays waterways. Coronado will facilitate federal and state funding. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Approving fee study for Coronado Municipal Golf Course and accepting recommendations for fee adjustments to optimize cost competitiveness and cost recovery. Motion PASSED
Dec 2023 Voted FOR: Selecting the Cays Park plan 75% option, which retains 3 of the 4 sports fields, the minimum needed to maintain current youth sports activities and expands passive park space. Motion PASSED
Jan 2024 Voted FOR: Capital Improvement Program (CIP) committee to review options for the Orange Ave Beautification project and make recommendations to full council for programming during the budget review process for FY24-25 budget. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Second amendment to extend City Manager's contract. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Extension of local Emergancy Declaration regarding the January 22 "1,000-year rain storm" that led to 4.25 in of rain in just 4 hours in Coronado. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Resolution formalizing City's policy regarding flag displays on City flag poles and property. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Awarding contract for Aquatic Center pool area refurbishment. Motion PASSED
Feb 2024 Voted FOR: Approving Free Summer Shuttle contract with MTS for July 1 through Sep 5, with daily service 9 am to 10 pm. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Updates to Policy 28 regarding Community Grants. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Continuing Cross-Border Sewage Council Subcommittee and advocacy in Wash DC. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Vacating the project approvals for Lawn Bowling Green turf replacement project due to legal challenge to removing four trees to correct root problem. Motion PASSED
Mar 2024 Voted FOR: Approving 6-month contract for zero-emission electric shuttle program to start June 2024 for free, on-call, door-to-door transportation in Village and Cays. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Approving Discover Coronado annual report for FY23-24 and work plan for FY24-25; and set public hearing for April 16, 2024. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Approving midyear budget adjustments. Motion PASSED
Apr 2024 Voted FOR: Authorizing task order for Environmental Impact Report for the Historic Context Statement and Citywide Survey project. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Adopting draft revised housing element update for the 2021-2029 housing element planning period, including general plan amendments to the housing element and last use element; environmental assessment; zoning ordinance amendment; local coastal program amendment; and Orange Ave Corridor Specific Plan amendment; and authorized submitting to the CA Housing and Community Devepment Agency. Motion PASSED
Voted FOR: Accepting selected actions from the Mobility Commission's draft Traffic Calming Master Plan. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Policy 2 Request for staff to explore limiting use of single-use plastics in Coronado and report back to City Council. Motion PASSED
May 2024 Voted FOR: Approving contract renewal with Pacific Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) for operation of the Coronado Animal Care Facility. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Approving the City's FY24-25 budget. Motion PASSED
Voted FOR: Approving Cays Park Master Plan layout. Motion PASSED
Jun 2024 Voted FOR: Approving Historic Alteration Permit (HAP) for historic home at 211 Alameda Blvd. Motion PASSED

Voted FOR: Approving Historic Alteration Permit (HAP) for historic home at 721 J Avenue. Motion PASSED
Voted FOR: Renewing 3-year contract for ferry service from Coronado to San Diego and continuation of free commuter passes. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Awarding community grants in the total amount of $1,075,000. Motion PASSED Voted FOR: Direction to allow only propane fires on Coronado South Beach and no changes to existing beach fire regulations on Central and North beaches; and additional contract security. Motion PASSED